Une offre complète dans le domaine des ressources humaines
La philosophie d’EnVolution est basée sur les 3 questions fondamentales :
- What : que fait l’entreprise ?
- How : quels processus suit-elle ? Quelles sont ses valeurs ?
- Why : quelle est sa mission ?
Ces 3 questions seront le fil rouge des différents services proposés.
Je vous guiderai dans les domaines HR suivants :
Pilotage de projets RH
Recrutement & Selection
Interim manager
Des missions de HR manager généraliste
I had the opportunity to work closely with Gaëtan in the Leadership Team at Astel Medica. Gaëtan has a proven track record in HR and Change Management. He is straight forward and live the value of integrity and transparency. He is an open minded person with a great sense of responsibility. On a personal level, I mostly appreciate his sense of humor that helps to overcome difficult times in our busy business. Gaëtan is really a strong pillar within an organization
I really enjoyed working with Gaëtan on the corporate branding at Astel Medica. His hands on strategy and enthousiasm is inspiring. Will definitely recommend!